Let's Talk

1000 750 Case Mccone

Trim Against The Machine

The drastic mechanization of agriculture is no new phenomenon in the United States. How we grow and harvest our crops has been greatly influenced by the development of new technologies. Shaped by inventions like the gasoline powered tractor introduced at the end of the 20th century and the mechanical potato harvesting machine in 1951 which…

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1536 1536 Case Mccone

Natural Pest Control

Right now, cannabis is having a moment. As more and more people are starting to partake in its numerous benefits (both medical and otherwise), growers are becoming much more prolific. However, growing marijuana is not like any other crop. For many growers, organic methods are the preferred option since they deliver a much better plant…

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2560 1440 PWSAdmin

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Perhaps you’ve made the move out of the city. You are located 40 miles into the heart of the beautiful countryside. You’ve taken most of the steps you can to live off the grid, but you want to do more. When it comes to reducing your carbon footprint, there is still a great deal you…

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1850 1054 PWSAdmin

Cannabis in the Medical World

There is a shift in how the world views cannabis. First simply seen as a gateway drug in the United States, it is now gaining traction and being legalized for use as medical marijuana. New Mexico was the first to license and regulate production and distribution of cannabis using a state agency. Now Washington, Colorado,…

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1499 959 PWSAdmin

Getting to the Root

At best, even the most resistant/stubborn lawmakers have grudgingly been making comments like “we’ll continue to keep a close eye on things,” and other half-hearted acknowledgements that things haven’t been as terrible as they expected/predicted/hoped. At the same time, other supporters are more enthusiastic, saying that this is only the beginning of a great time…

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